How to parse a list of URLs using PHP?


I recently searched how PHP parse_url() function works and found an example on Stackoverflow that caught my eye.

Here is the question being asked.

I try to parse a list of url strings, after two hours of work I don’t reach any result, the list of url strings look like this:

$url_list = array(

# Output should be
    [0] =>
    [1] => .localhost
    [2] =>
    [3] =>
    [4] =>
    [5] =>

This question was answered in 2013. I thought about the person’s code and tried to understand. Honesty, to explore his answer I learned many things about PHP.

Here is Alessandro Minoccheri‘s answer:

function getDomain($url) 
    $domain = implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST)), -2));
    return $domain;
# test cases:
foreach ($url_list as $url) {
    $result[] = getDomain($url);

I was thinking about how can I simplify the answer and achieve the same result. I came up with a solution that is not actually new rather I refactored his code using PHP array_map() with the arrow function.

Here is my answer:

$domains = array_map(fn($url) => implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST)), -2)),$urls);

If you are not sure what this line doing here, I recommend examining the code one by one. I do this in the following way:

$u = '';

$explode = explode('.','');

$slice = array_slice($explode, -2); #  -2 means start at the second last element of the array

$v = array_slice(explode('.', parse_url($u, PHP_URL_HOST)), -2);