What is the match expression in PHP?


The match expression was introduced in PHP 8. The match expression is pretty much the same as the switch statement, with just a few differences.

This compares identities with strict equality checks (===), rather than equalities with weaker checks (==)


match expression usually has the following structure:

$temparature = 90;

$weather = match ($temparature) {
    30, 35,45 => "It's so cold Today",
    50 => "You need to wear sweater Today",
    75 => "Enjoy yourself, Not cold, not hot",
    90 => "The perfect beach weather!",
    default => "I don't know what to do with you"

echo $weather;
# out put: The perfect beach weather!


In this example:

  • $temparature is the subject expression. Its value is compared with alternatives in the expression.
  • The values 30 to 90 are alternatives that are compared.
  • All the strings on the right side, “It’s so cold Today,” are the return expression
  • The example outputs “The perfect beach weather!”
  • Like switch statements, code in a match expression is only run if conditions before it failed.