Laravel, PHP

Streamline Your Laravel Application with Axios: Simplify HTTP Requests and Enhance User Experience

In today’s fast-paced digital world, users expect web applications to be fast, responsive, and easy to use. To meet these expectations, developers must use tools and libraries that simplify building modern web applications. One such library that has gained widespread popularity is Axios. Axios is a JavaScript library that provides an easy way to make HTTP requests from the browser. In this article, we’ll explore how you can use Axios to streamline your Laravel application and enhance the user experience.

Why use Axios in Laravel applications?

Laravel is a PHP-based web application framework that provides developers with powerful tools and libraries to build robust and modern web applications. However, sending HTTP requests from the browser can be a tedious and error-prone, especially when dealing with complex APIs or multiple endpoints. This is where Axios comes in. Axios provides an easy-to-use API for making HTTP requests with support for promises and async/await syntax. It also includes features like request and response interceptors, automatic request cancellation, and global error handling. These features make it easier for developers to build modern web applications that are fast, responsive, and easy to use.

Benefits of using Axios in Laravel applications

Here are some of the benefits of using Axios in Laravel applications:

  1. Simplifies HTTP requests: Axios provides an easy-to-use API for making HTTP requests from the browser. This API supports promises, and async/await syntax, making writing asynchronous code and handling complex APIs easier.
  2. Improves user experience: By using Axios to send HTTP requests from the browser, you can improve the user experience by making the application faster and more responsive. Users no longer have to wait for page reloads to see new content and can interact with the application in real time.
  3. Supports CSRF protection: Laravel provides built-in support for CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection, which requires a CSRF token to be included with every non-GET request. Axios can be configured to automatically include the CSRF token in requests, making it easier to protect against CSRF attacks.
  4. Simplifies error handling: Axios provides global error handling for HTTP requests, making handling errors easier and providing meaningful feedback to the user.

Example of using Axios in a Laravel application

To illustrate how to use Axios in a Laravel application, let’s consider a simple example. Suppose you have a page that displays a list of users, and you want to be able to delete a user without reloading the page. Here’s how you can use Axios to achieve this:

  1. Set up a route to handle the deletion request.

First, you must set up a route in Laravel to handle the delete request. In your web.php routes file, add the following route:

Route::delete('/users/{id}', 'UserController@delete')->name('users.delete');

This route will handle a DELETE request to /users/{id}, where {id} is the ID of the user to be deleted. The request will be handled by the delete method of the UserController class.

  1. Add a delete button to the user list

Next, you need to add a delete button to the user list on your page. Here’s an example of how you can do this:

@foreach ($users as $user)
    <span>{{ $user->name }}</span>
    <button class="delete-user" data-user-id="{{ $user->id }}">Delete</button>

This code will display a list of users with a delete button next to each user’s name. The data-user-id attribute is used to store the user’s ID to be deleted.

  1. Set up a JavaScript file to handle the delete request

When the user clicks the delete button, you need to set up a JavaScript file to handle the delete request. Here’s an example of how you can do this:

// Import Axios
import axios from 'axios';

// Get all delete buttons
const deleteButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.delete-user');

// Loop through delete buttons and add event listeners
deleteButtons.forEach((button) => {
  button.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
    // Get user ID from data attribute
    const userId =;

    // Send DELETE request to Laravel route
      .then((response) => {
        // Handle success
      .catch((error) => {
        // Handle error

This code uses Axios to send a DELETE request to the Laravel route you set up earlier. When the user clicks the delete button, the JavaScript code gets the user ID from the data-user-id attribute and sends a DELETE request to /users/{id}. If the request is successful, the success callback function is called, and the response data is logged to the console. If the request fails, the error callback function is called, and the error message is logged to the console.

  1. Add the JavaScript file to your page

Finally, you need to add the JavaScript file to your page so that it can be loaded when the page is loaded. Here’s an example of how you can do this:

<!-- Include Axios from a CDN -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Include your JavaScript file -->
<script src="{{ asset('js/delete-user.js') }}"></script>

This code includes Axios from a CDN and your JavaScript file, which contains the code to handle the delete request.

In this article, we’ve explored how you can use Axios to streamline your Laravel application and enhance the user experience. We’ve seen how Axios simplifies HTTP requests, improves user experience, supports CSRF protection, and simplifies error handling. We’ve also provided a simple example of using Axios to delete a user without reloading the page. By using Axios in your Laravel applications, you can build modern, fast, and responsive web applications that meet the expectations of today’s users.